Illustrator & Graphic Designer

︎︎︎ HiBird Books Art Direction
︎︎︎ Radovedko Kid’s Magazine
︎︎︎ Fant iz papirja Picture Book
︎︎︎ Gamebook Book & Board Games
︎︎︎ Ciciban Illustrations for Magazine
︎︎︎ Days of Poetry & Wine Illustrations
︎︎︎ Cultural Routes in Slovenia E-book 
︎︎︎ Giblab Identity
︎︎︎ Banket Identity
︎︎︎ Creatures & Friends Art Prints
︎︎︎ Women Perspective Art Prints
︎︎︎ Kekec & The Lighthouse Book Collection
︎︎︎ Slovene National Theatre Creative Lead

︎︎︎ na tak dan najbolj trpi mastercard Book
︎︎︎ Impressions Artist’s Book
︎︎︎ In The Embrace of a Trigger Identity 
︎︎︎ No Exit Artist’s Book & Animated Film
︎︎︎ Dialogue Funzine
︎︎︎ Tristan and Isolde Poster
︎︎︎ The Faces of Racism Revealed Poster 
︎︎︎ The Stranger Artist’s Book
︎︎︎ More projects
︎ Sketchbook

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©2024 Hana Jesih


Illustrator & Graphic Designer

Ilustrations for the Slovenian children's magazines Ciciban

llustration for the poem Krtek Luka (author Jelena Isak Kres) and Uganki (author Alenka Konc Ambrožič), published in the magazine Ciciban, (Nº2, October 2023, pages 40-41)

llustration for the poem Na tekmovanju v skakanu v višino (author Borut Gombač) and the poem Na drevesu (author Lina Strajnar), published in the magazine Ciciban, (Nº11, July 2023, pages 32-33)

Illustration for the poem Ptica (author Andreja Borin), published in the magazine Ciciban (Nº3, November 2022, pages 20-21)

Illustration for the poem Ta-ta-ta (author Vojan Tihomir Arhar) and the poem Sprehod (author Simon Skok), published in the magazine Ciciban, (Nº6, February 2023, pages 14-15)

Illustration for the poem Ribica (author Branko Rudolf), published in the magazine Ciciban (Nº10, June 2022, pages 18-19)
© 2024 Hana Jesih

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